This class meets 4 mornings a week from 9:00-12:30 (lunch provided from home each day) and is designed for older 4′s and early 5′s. A child must turn 5 by December 1 of the current school year. The Four and More Pre-K class will be capped at 15 children with two teachers.
This class consists of older three’s coming from the three-year-old class and younger fours coming from the Fours Pre-K. The units/themes covered in this class differ from that of the 4’s so there is not a repeat for those who were in a four-year-old class. The curriculum is similar to the four’s in that we prepare all the children socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually for kindergarten. Concepts (social, emotional, and academic) that were covered in either the 3’s or 4’s will be enhanced.
The framework of our academic curriculum is based on the Early Learning Content Standards from the Ohio Department of Education. Before entering kindergarten, your child will be introduced to language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Through finger plays, stories, songs and rug time activities your child will continue to grow in letter and number recognition. Counting, one-to-one correspondence, sequence of events, and calendar (days of week, seasons, months, year) will be part of the curriculum. Your child’s class will focus on a letter and number weekly- focusing on recognition of upper and lower case letters and the sounds each letter makes. Fine motor development is continued with cutting, zipping, proper holding of crayon/marker, and printing. As in the three-year-old program, your child will use the gross motor room daily for large muscle development.
Staff to Child Ratio:
1 to 7: Group size 14
State requires 1 to 14